man in black t-shirt singing on stage

Category Worship Team

If you’re currently a part of a worship team at your local church (or plan to be in the future), browse through this category to find worship leader expectations, worship team devotionals, and more!

Multitracks for Worship & Enhancing Your Sound

multitracks - multitracks

When a church or congregation enters worship, it is a time of expressing our hearts towards God and embracing the Lord for all He is: Just, All-Powerful, Holy, Sovereign, Loving, and Pure. What if your worship team could play with…

Worship Team Training in 2023 – A Detailed Guide

Worship Team Training

Growing and expanding your church’s worship ministry through strategic worship team training is well worth the effort, albeit not easy in the beginning. The goal of worship is to praise Jesus, serve God, experience the presence of the Holy Spirit,…